DHA 809 Project Final Paper (100 points) The Leadership Practicum Project is a culminating activity that requires that student

DHA 809 Project Final Paper (100 points)

The Leadership Practicum Project is a culminating activity that requires that students incorporate the tools and strategies learned from previous DHA courses to solve a problem that is unique to the student.

Each student will select an organizational problem that needs to be changed and can be addressed within a 5-week period during this course. The problem should be something unique to the student and within the student’s discretion, resources, and purview to address. For example, at the student’s place of employment, the student may choose to address low staff morale; the lack of up-boarding and training opportunities for promotions; a high staff turnover rate; lack of diversity in upper management; the need for more health and safety practices; lack of effective human resource management practices and accountability; better communication between upper and middle management; lack of financial resources; community opposition to a preferred practice; or any other appropriate topic. Students should discuss the topic with the course instructor.

Once the student identifies the specific organizational problem, the student will use Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading Change along with other resources from previous DHA courses to determine a course of action that would lead to the desired outcome. Over the next 5-7 weeks, the student will implement the recommended steps, document their process, and analyze the effectiveness of the implemented practices.

Students will submit an 8–10-page Leadership Practicum Project Final Paper. To avoid point deductions, please adhere to the following guidelines:

• Title Page (does not count toward the 8-10 page limit)

• Table of Contents (does not count toward the 8-10 page limit)

• Reference Page (does not count toward the 8-10 page limit)

• Third Person (refer to yourself as “the researcher or the author”)

• Times New Roman 12 pt (or similar size) • Double Space (no extra spaces between paragraphs)

• 1-Inch Margins (on all sides)

• Well-Written Paragraphs Only (do not use bullets or numbers)

• Indent Paragraphs (use ½ inch indentation)

The final paper will include the following five (5) sections to be listed in the table of contents. Each section has several guiding questions to assist in developing a well-derived plan of action. Each section may consist of one or more well-written paragraphs. Do not include the questions in your paper. Body of the Paper (must be a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 10 pages)

• Introduction: The introductory paragraph provides a brief overview of the project.

• Section 1: The Problem: This section should include a description of the problem that needs to be changed, the data/observations that were used to identify the problem, why the problem has an impact on the organization, and why solving the problem can make a significant difference to the organization. After describing the problem, describe how you will (did) Establish a Sense of Urgency (step 1) concerning the problem. What research supports your course of action?

• Section 2: Vision & Desired Outcome: This section should describe the strategic vision and desired outcome. The section should also describe the process for selecting the people who will lead the implementation of the vision. What steps are needed to achieve the vision? Who you will (did) invite and engage to be part of the team that frames the problem and solution(s)? Why would (did) you select these members to be part of the Guiding Coalition (step 2)? How will (did) your team Develop the Strategic Vision (step 3) for this work and subsequently Communicate the Vision (step 4) to support and enact the vision? What research supports your course of action?

• Section 3: Barriers to Success: This section should describe any barriers that would inhibit the successful attainment of the desired outcome. The barriers may be in the form of financial resources, time, talent, organizational processes, status quo concerns, and/or habits, attitudes, and mindsets. What did you identify as barriers that you Empowered Employees (step 5) to address and remove? Are there any inherent risks or conflicts that contribute to these barriers? What resources and/or professional training are needed to address some of the barriers? How will (did) you remove those barriers? What research supports your course of action?

• Section 4: Recommendations: Short-Term: This section should describe the ongoing and short-term measures of success. Immediate wins are critical when leading a change initiative. What recommendations and Short-Term Wins (step 6) will (did) you identify to address the problem? How do you know you achieved your short-term wins? Describe your process for implementation, data collection, and analyses. What research supports your course of action?

• Section 5: Recommendations: Long-Term & Sustainability: This section should describe the success of the change initiative and how success can be sustained over the long term. What effect will or did these changes have on the organization and on organizational performance? How will (did) you Sustain this Progress (step 7) and Institute and Anchor Change (step 8) as a part of the culture? What evaluation tool will you use later (year 2 or 3) to measure the ongoing success of your change initiative? What can be learned from the success of other companies or countries that have faced similar challenges? What research supports your course of action?

• Conclusion: The conclusion paragraph provides an overall summary of the project outcomes.

Helpful Tip: Read your introduction followed by your conclusion. Do the two paragraphs provide the reader with enough information to have a basic understanding of your Leadership Practicum Project?

Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

  • Step 1: Create Urgency. …
  • Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition. …
  • Step 3: Create a Vision for Change. …
  • Step 4: Communicate the Vision. …
  • Step 5: Remove Obstacles. …
  • Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins. …
  • Step 7: Build on the Change. …
  • Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.

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