C. Tell one singular story about gender socialization as it has impacted and inf

C. Tell one singular story about gender socialization as it has impacted and influenced your identity. Don’t give me your entire life story and don’t veer off-course with details that don’t relate to the assignment’s central questions.
D. When using quotes from secondary sources remember to introduce the quote, have an in-text citation for it, and explain how the quote relates to your overall argument in that paragraph. Quotes are not self-explanatory.
E. I need to see the relevance of the other readings from Unit 1 to your story about gender. I don’t want just a passing reference to them. You must find a meaningful way to connect the other texts to your story. You are required to use the Lorber essay + one other text from Unit 1.
Being a woman growing up in a machista culture
Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”


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