NUR 100 Task 2 Health Promotion Poster

NUR 100 Task 2 Health Promotion Poster

NUR 100 Task 2 Health Promotion Poster

The weighting for this assessment is 40%.

Task instructions

You are not permitted to use generative AI tools in this task. Use of AI in this task constitutes

student misconduct and is considered contract cheating. This assessment requires you to develop scholarship and familiarise yourself with academic literature and where to source this. You will need to include resources provided in the course in addition to other references found through the library databases to develop these skills.

You have been invited to present a health promotion proposal for a local Child and Family Health Expo. Your proposal will be presented as a Poster. The health promotion will be aimed at a health topic taken from the Children’s Headline Indicators or leading causes of total burden. You will focus this for one (1) specific target group demographic selected from below. You will explain your novel health promotion program/activity through the poster. The poster will creatively demonstrate how you would approach the program/activity. It will clearly describe the proposal and will include information, image(s) and/or tables to engage your audience.


The topics have been taken from the Children’s Headline Indicators or leading burdens of health. Please choose one (1) of the following topics.

  1. Anxiety disorders
  2. Accidental poisoning

The focus group for your presentation will be one of the following (choose one (1):

  • Infants
    • early childhood 1-5 years
    • school aged children – 5-13 years
    • adolescents
    • young people – 15-24 years

NOTE: If your health promotion is aimed at the parents of children you will need to nominate the parents as the focus and which children age group from the list above.

You can choose to target specific groups within the chosen group, e.g., Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, rural and remote, children with a disability, refugees, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), disabled, single parents, LGBTQI+ etc.

Poster Presentation

Select one of the poster templates provided. Include the following information.

  • Identify the health issue and why this is a priority area
    • The target group should be clearly identified with the poster identifying why this issue is significant to this group (Note: If parents of children, such as for a health literacy health

proposal also include the age group of the children targeted? E g., infants, early childhood etc.)

  • The poster should promote a key health promotion activity and message specifically aimed at the target group
    • The context of the health promotion should reflect the age demographic, cultural, and/or social influences of the group. If it is not a health program specifically targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mother’s or children, please include discussion of how your proposal will address this group).
    • Include two (2) clear examples of health promotion principles underpinning the health promotion proposal. Select 2 from the following health promotion principles
      • Strengthen community action
      • Develop personal skills
      • Create supportive environments
      • Reorient health services
      • Build healthy public policy
  • Include two (2) clear examples of how the principles of primary health care are included in the proposed promotion/activity. The principles of primary health care principles include
  • Think about how the health care will be provided in the community and how the 2 principles are evidenced, e.g., community participation, cultural sensitivity, intersectoral collaboration.
    • Discuss inequalities of health (access, rights and equity) and this health issue.
    • Scholarly references (e.g., current peer reviewed journal articles and textbooks) published, ideally within the last 5 years, but no more than 10 years, Australian government/agency websites, used to support your discussion and included in the reference list.



  • Content should be engaging and include a key health promotion message
  • Headings in the body of the poster must not be changed
  • Content should be approx. 1000 words (excluding reference list).
  • The reference list must fit onto the poster template.

Please choose one of the poster templates provided. Ensure your name and student number is


Personalising the poster in colours and with images of your own choosing is encouraged to add interest for the reader and engage your audience.

Helpful tips for poster design

  • Select one of the templates provided – this can be individualised with your content and images and colours can be changed to suit your poster design.
    • Ensure you have checked that writing is readable (be careful if using images behind text).
    • If using colours to ensure text is readable and colour is not overused.
    • View the template at 100% prior to submission to ensure text is clear and readable.
    • Keep fonts the same throughout the poster (Headings may differ from the section texts).
    • Keep information on poster balanced
    • Include images or informatics relevant to the subject that will provide interest for the reader


Refer to weeks 1- 5 learning materials and assignment recordings. Choose 1 of the poster templates found in Task 2 Assessments.

Additional guidance.

An example poster is provided. This poster is not perfect. Do not copy this poster or elements of

this. Academic integrity must be adhered to, plagiarism is taken seriously at UniSC. Your work should be original.

A video explaining the marking rubric and assessment task is provided in the assignments folder.


You will be provided opportunity during tutorials to obtain feedback on your poster development.

Completing the Assessment

The marking criteria has been attached as a downloadable pdf document below. An example poster has been provided. A video of how this assessment will be marked has also been included.

Remember to have the information for the task, marking rubric and access to APA 7 available. Links to other supporting materials or USC support are provided in the Assessments tab (in Canvas Modules). Frequently asked questions are provided below. Check Discussions for Task 2. Remember to scroll up and check if your question has already been asked). Submit online through Canvas.

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