Brief description of the client business to be detailed here. Answering questions like: who is the client (company)? In which field is the company based? How long they have been in the marketplace?

Brief description of the client business to be detailed here. Answering questions like: who is the client (company)? In which field is the company based? How long they have been in the marketplace? How big is the company? What are their daily work processes?….etc.
• Problem description
A brief description of identified problem should be detailed here.
• System capabilities
List of capabilities to be performed by the proposed system in solving identified problem.
• Business benefits
List of all benefits both tangible and tangible that will accrue to the client business as the proposed system deployed successfully.
• System functional decomposition
Proposed functional components (subsystems) to be listed and described here.
• Project stakeholders
Potential stakeholders of this project to be listed and described here. Make use of a table format.
2. System Functional requirements
• Use case brief descriptions
Making use of information gathering techniques learned in class, students are expected to do further investigation of identifying system requirements of the proposed system, thereafter document and define them. Students may prefer to organize this section using different formats. However, for this project, you are requested to utilize use case brief description in a table format. List of all identifies use cases with their descriptions. It is recommended that you indicate use case for each functional subsystem separately.
• Use case diagrams
Graphic model showing all the use cases with their related external actors. Do the separate drawing for each functional subsystem.
• Activity diagrams (workflows)
Detailed workflows (sequential steps) of all use cases identified above.
• Sequence diagrams
For each use case, a graphical model that indicate sequential messages being exchanges between the related user and the system during the execution of that specific use case must be drawn.
3. System object classes
As part of information gathering, students are expected to identify all the object classes of the proposed system. Thereafter, students will have to document and define them making use of the UML Class diagram
4. Evidence of information gathering
Students may use any form of information gathering techniques when investigating system requirements. For each technique adopted and used, evidence to be attached here. For example, if some interviews were conducted with users, attach interview session showing all the details of the interview: date and time, interviewee, list of questions etc… If surveys distributed, attach as sample of a survey used. If company visited with an aim of observing, attach pictures of users in action. If company documents reviewed,

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