BSBFIN801 Lead Financial Strategy Development Assignment Questions

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Short Answer Questions

Question 1

Complete the table below about financial risk factors and mitigation procedures.

  1. Identify at least three financial risk factors relevant to financial strategy.
  2. For each identified financial risk factor, identify at least one applicable mitigation procedure.
  3. In 50 words or more, discuss how each mitigation procedure helps reduce the negative impact of risk.
Financial Risk Factor Mitigation Procedure How Each Mitigation Procedure Helps Reduce Negative Impact of Risk

Question 2

Describe, in 50 words or more, how each of the following items listed in the table below are applied in financial strategy development:

  1. Accounting ratios
  2. Budgeting principles
Accounting Ratio How Each Ratio is Applied in Financial Strategy Development
         i.            Balance sheet ratios
       ii.            Income statement ratios
      iii.            Cash flow statement ratios
Budgeting Principle How Each Principle is Applied in Financial Strategy Development
         i.            Income and expenditure
       ii.            Expenditure forecasting
      iii.            Contingency plans

Question 3

Describe, in 50 words or more, how each of the financial principles listed below, is applied in:

  1. Analysing financial reports
  2. Interpreting financial reports
Financial Principle How Each Principle is Applied in Analysing Financial Reports How Each Principle is Applied in Interpreting Financial Reports
         i.            Time Value of Money Principle
       ii.            Cash Flow Principle
Accounting Principle How Each Principle is Applied in Analysing Financial Reports How Each Principle is Applied in Interpreting Financial Reports
         i.            Revenue recognition principle
       ii.            Time period principle


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Question 4

Describe, in 50 words or more, how each of the financial principles listed below, is applied in:

  1. Analysing financial resources
  2. Interpreting financial resources
Financial Principle How Each Principle is Applied in Analysing Financial Resources How Each Principle is Applied in Interpreting Financial Resources
         i.            Profitability and Liquidity
       ii.            Hedging principle
Accounting Principle How Each Principle is Applied in Analysing Financial Resources How Each Principle is Applied in Interpreting Financial Resources
         i.            Accrual principle
       ii.            Matching principle

Question 5

Describe, in 50 words or more, how each term listed in the table below is used in developing organisational financial strategy.

Financial Term How Each Term is Used in Developing Organisational Financial Strategy
         i.            Financial Leverage
       ii.            Hedging
Accounting Term How Each Term is Used in Developing Organisational Financial Strategy
         i.            Working Capital
       ii.            Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)
Economic Term How Each Term is Used in Developing Organisational Financial Strategy
         i.            Consumer Price Index (CPI)
       ii.            Interest Rates

Question 6

Describe, in 50 words or more, how each system listed in the table below, influences an organisation’s financial strategy.

Financial System How System Influences Organisational Financial Strategy
Network of Financial Institutions
Accounting System How System Influences Organisational Financial Strategy
Managerial Accounting System
Economic System How System Influences Organisational Financial Strategy
Market Economic System

Question 7

Describe, in 50 words or more, how each technique listed in the table below, is applied in developing financial strategy.

Technique for Calculating Financial Data How Technique is Applied in Developing Financial Strategy
Discounting Cash Flows
Technique for Analysing Financial Data How Technique is Applied in Developing Financial Strategy
Integrated Analysis
Technique for Analysing Financial Procedures How Technique is Applied in Developing Financial Strategy
Navigating Financial Reports


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Assessment Overview

This workplace project assessment requires you to lead financial strategy development for at least one organisation or work area.

This assessment is divided into four tasks:

  • Task 1: Financial and Business Requirements Plan
  • Task 2: Consult Stakeholders and Present Budget Recommendations
  • Task 3: Implement Financial Strategy
  • Task 4: Monitor Financial Strategy

You are required to complete the assessment tasks in a workplace or simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.

Task 1: Financial and Business Requirements Plan


This task will require you to forecast financial and business requirements to develop a financial strategy.

Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the Financial and Business Requirements Plan template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

To complete this task, you must:

  • Access and review organisational documents containing the following information:
    • Organisational objectives.
    • Budget objectives.
    • Existing financial systems.

These refer to a detailed depiction of how organisations relate to their environments and how they process information through strategic and tactical management to create financial operating procedures.

  • Financial reports derived from the existing financial systems.
  • All of the following information for at least one planning cycle:
  • Business targets
  • Financial requirements
  • Business system information
  • Historical expenditure information associated with the business system
  • Financial forecasts
  • Operational contingencies
  • Financial risks
    • Economic information that impacts organisational objectives.
    • Legislative, regulatory, organisational, and industry compliance requirements for managing financial resources.
  • Analyse the financial reports to identify the capacity of existing financial systems.

Capacity refers to the ability of financial systems to account for revenue and implement financial strategy efficiently.

  • Identify compliance requirements for managing financial resources, including:
    • At least two legislative responsibilities
    • At least two regulatory responsibilities
    • At least two organisational responsibilities
  • Identify at least one planning cycle in the organisation.

Planning cycle refers to a time period over which financial and business resources are funded, managed, and monitored.

  • For each identified planning cycle:
    • Identify at least two business system objectives, based on the business system information you reviewed.
    • Identify business system requirements, based on the business system objectives, including:
  • At least one business system used in the organisation.

Business systems are a group of interdependent processes, elements, and tools that help meet business objectives.

  • At least two business system requirements for each identified business system.

Business system requirements are what the above systems need to be able to meet business objectives and help provide value to stakeholders.

  • For each identified business system requirement, all of the following, related to implementing the business system requirement:
  • At least one benefit
  • At least one additional expenditure requirement
  • At least one risk
  • Feasibility.
  • Prepare recommendations either for budgets or for modifications to existing forecasts for the identified planning cycle. Recommendations must be for all of the following performance assessment indicators in accordance with Legislative, regulatory, organisational, and industry requirements:

Budgets set out the plan for what your business is aiming to achieve. Forecasts indicate where the business is heading based on actual performance.

  • Income and Expenses
    • Sales Income
    • Cost of Sales
    • Gross Profit
    • Operating Expenses
    • Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortisation (EBITDA)
    • Net Profit
    • Return on Investment (ROI)
      • Cash Flow
    • Cash flow from Operating Activities
    • Cash flow from Investing Activities
    • Cash flow from Financing Activities
    • Identify the following:
      • At least two operational contingencies
      • At least two financial risks.
      • At least three budget priorities.
  •  Complete the Financial and Business Requirements Plan, including all items above. Leave blank, the section on Agreement Reached With Stakeholders on Budget Recommendations.

Task 2: Consult Stakeholders and Present Budget Recommendations


Your assessor will observe you as you consult at least three stakeholders about the financial and business information you forecast in Workplace Assessment Task 1, and present your recommendations.

Stakeholders refer to people who can impact or are impacted by the Financial and Business Requirements Plan you prepared in Workplace Assessment Task 1.

Access and review the Financial and Business Requirements Plan you prepared in Workplace Assessment Task 1.

You will be assessed on your practical skills to:

  • Present the budget or modified forecast recommendations and assessment indicators you prepared in the Financial and Business Requirements Plan, to at least three stakeholders, including:
    • At least two financial advisers
    • At least one other stakeholder
  • Seek feedback from the stakeholders on the financial and business information you presented.
  • Collaborate and negotiate each budget recommendation with the stakeholders. Reach agreement on at least all of the following:
    • Financial decisions:
  • Operating Expenses
  • Cash flow from operating activities
  • Cash flow from financing activities
    • Investing decisions, including cash flow from investing activities
    • How each decision will improve financial returns of the organisation.
  • Update the Agreement Reached With Stakeholders on Budget Recommendations in the Financial and Business Requirements Plan with the items agreed with stakeholders.
  • Discuss the financial and business information clearly using language suitable to the stakeholders.
  • Use listening techniques to confirm the stakeholders’
  • Use questioning techniques to confirm the stakeholders’ understanding.

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Task 3: Implement Financial Strategy


This task will require you to implement the budget recommendations you agreed with stakeholders in Workplace Assessment Task 2.

To complete this task, you must:

  • Access and review the updated Financial and Business Requirements Plan from Workplace Assessment Task 1.
  • Identify at least two resourcing requirements to implement the agreed budget expenditure recommendations contained in the updated Financial and Business Requirements Plan.
  • Communicate the agreed budget expenditure recommendations to at least three stakeholders, including:
    • At least two organisational staff members
    • At least one other stakeholder

Stakeholders refer to people who can impact or are impacted by the agreed budget expenditure recommendations.

  • Support at least two organisational staff members in implementation of the agreed budget expenditure recommendations.

Review Workplace Assessment Task 3 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:

  • Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
  • All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.

Submit the following evidence to your assessor.

  • Evidence of communicating the agreed budget expenditure recommendations to at least three stakeholders.
  • Evidence of supporting at least two organisational staff members in implementation of the agreed budget expenditure recommendations.

Evidence must be at least one of the following:

  • Email correspondence
  • Meeting minutes
  • Video recording of the meeting conducted

When using this as evidence, ensure to inform the attendees of the purpose of the recording before doing so.

Task 4: Business Performance Monitoring Report


This task will require you to monitor business performance and develop a Business Performance Monitoring Report, on at least two occasions.

Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the Business Performance Monitoring Report template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

To complete this task, you must:

  • Access and review organisational documents containing the following information.
    • Updated Financial and Business Requirements Plan from Workplace Assessment Task 2.
    • Actual performance data for items included in the budgets and forecasts, for at least two monitoring occasions.

Each monitoring occasion must be for a full planning cycle.

  • Timeframes for prompt development of action plans to remedy budget variances.
  • Reporting processes for business performance monitoring.
  • For the first monitoring occasion, over a full planning cycle, compare the actual performance data against agreed budgets and forecasts to:
    • Calculate the variance between:
  • Each budget item and actual performance, OR
  • Each forecast and actual performance
    • Identify at least two significant variances that adversely affect budget objectives, from:
  • Budgets, OR
  • Forecasts
  • Develop at least one action plan promptly to remedy the following:
    • Each identified significant variance from budget, OR
    • Each identified significant variance from forecast
  • Revise at least one budget priority to manage each of the following, identified in the updated Financial and Business Requirements Plan from Workplace Assessment Task 2:
    • Eachoperational contingency
    • Each identified financial risk
  • For the second monitoring occasion, over a full planning cycle, compare the actual performance data corresponding to the second monitoring occasion against the budgets and forecasts to:
    • Calculate the variance between each budget item and actual performance, OR
    • Calculate the variance between each forecast and actual performance
  • Complete the Business Performance Monitoring Report, in accordance with the reporting processes for business performance monitoring, including all items above.

Review Workplace Assessment Task 4 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:

  • Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
  • All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.

Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the Business Performance Monitoring Report template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Submit the Business Performance Monitoring Report to your assessor. Include the supplementary documents/sources used to create the Business Performance Monitoring Report, including:

  • Actual performance data for items included in the budgets and forecasts, for at least two monitoring occasions.
  • Timeframes for prompt development of action plans to remedy budget variances.

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