Discussion Board

 Chapter 13 Reflection Questions (Choose 1-3 questions to Reflect Upon)

  1. What would be some of the indicators that prompt you to use psychodrama?
  2. Have you ever experienced psychodrama? If so, what emotions and thoughts came up for you? If not, what emotions and thoughts do you anticipate from group members?
  3. Consider the times when others have interpreted your thoughts or reactions to a situation. Did you readily accept their interpretation, or did you reject it? How did you react? Were there any insights as a result of the interpretation or your reaction?
  4. Are you an abstract thinker, a concrete thinker, or both? How might each type of thinker react to a psychodrama situation?
  5. Describe an experience where you were in both the here-and-now (“experience ego”) and reflection mode (“observing ego”). What thoughts, feelings, or bodily sensations arose for you?
  6. Brainstorm a psychodrama scenario. What sort of creative endeavors will you employ, and why? You may use the examples outlined in the chapter or incorporate your own unique style. Be specific in your examples.

Chapter 14 Reflection Questions (Choose 1-3 Questions to Reflect Upon)

  1. What are some of the ways in which your family handled significant losses? Do you still use the same approaches?
  2. As a group leader, how will it be for you to let go of group members with whom you have shared emotional closeness? What will be an appropriate way for you to handle this loss?
  3. What kind of continuing obligation do you feel you have toward members of a completed group?
  4. If you were a member, what would you like to take away from the termination session of a group? What will best prepare you for terminating a group experience?
  5. What experiences have you had with closure (or lack thereof)? Reflect on the times when you were satisfied or unsatisfied with the closure of a relationship. What feelings were roused? What behaviors ensued?
  6. Have you ever experienced abandonment? If so, how did it affect your relationships with others? Were there unresolved issues? How did they manifest in other areas of your life? Did you feel responsible or guilty in any way?
  7. Have you ever felt compelled to leave a situation (job, relationship, etc.) with or without explanation? What was your reasoning for terminating the relationship? What manner of explanation did you provide or refrain from providing? What reasons did you have for the method you chose?

    The post Discussion Board first appeared on Nursing World.

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