Discussion Question #1: On Persuasive Writing Discussion Question: How can you effectively address counterarguments to strengthen your own position without undermining your thesis? Discuss strategies
Discussion Question #1: On Persuasive Writing
Discussion Question: How can you effectively address counterarguments to strengthen your own position without undermining your thesis? Discuss strategies for integrating counterarguments, providing evidence, and maintaining a persuasive tone throughout your essay. Also, tell the audience how to write an effective argumentative thesis sentence. Develop at least 400 words for this discussion.
Discussion Question #2: MLA style
Discussion Question: What are the most common challenges students face when formatting a paper in MLA style, and how can these challenges be overcome? Discuss specific elements such as in-text citations, works cited page, and overall paper layout, providing tips and resources that can help ensure accurate MLA formatting. Develop at least 400 words.
Assignment: Persuasive Essay
Assignment: Select only one topic for your persuasive essay.
1. Should college athletes get paid?
2. Should transgender students be allowed to play sports in K-12 schools?
3. Should parents and the local school board be allowed to tell what books should be banned from the school’s library and eliminate certain history from the textbooks?
4. Should illegal immigrants be granted residency?
5. Should AI-generated images and text be considered art?
6. Should religion be taught in public schools?
Write a 600-word persuasive essay in which you take a stand on the issue. Do not use such phrases as “I think, I feel, I believe.” Do not use 2nd person pronouns (you, your, yourself), and do not use contractions (can’t, don’t, haven’t, hasn’t). Use facts and scientific explanations to prove your points. You may document references to your sources by paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, and synthesizing. However, I require that you use at least one or two sources for this particular assignment. See the MLA style latest edition of in-text citations and works cited documentation from the Resource list above.
Your grade will be based upon the thoroughness, accuracy, and insightful responses; also, your use of correct spelling, grammar, and correct sentence and paragraph format will be evaluated (ALWAYS spell check your responses), and/or use of outside sources.
In the heading of your paper include your name, date, course, and assignment title to the left of your margin. Type your assignment in a Word document. Indent each paragraph, double space, 12-inch font, Times New Roman style. Save your file and submit as an attachment file.
Value 100 points
Persuasive Writing with MLA style
Persuasive Writing with MLA style |
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Title: The essay’s title suggests the subject and sparks |
10 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeORGANIZATION Introduction: The opening paragraph catches the reader’s |
40 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTYLE Language: |
40 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMECHANICS Grammar and Punctuation: Sentences are free of errors. Spelling: Sentences are free of errors. (See error patterns marked below.) |
10 pts |
Total Points: 100 |