For this exam, you are required to select and respond to two essay questions out of the options provided below. Each question is worth 50 points (for a total of 100 points possible). Your essay responses should concisely answer all parts of the provided question. Your responses should be typed in Word, saved, and uploaded through webcourses. There is no page length requirement, but I recommend about 2-3 double-spaced

For this exam, you are required to select and respond to two essay questions out of the options provided below. Each question is worth 50 points (for a total of 100 points possible). Your essay responses should concisely answer all parts of the provided question. Your responses should be typed in Word, saved, and uploaded through webcourses. There is no page length requirement, but I recommend about 2-3 double-spaced pages per response.
Technical guidelines for your exam – READ THESE CAREFULLY:
• Complete your exam in a Microsoft Word document. Upload only a Word document to Canvas.
• Write your response in Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double spaced.
• Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation for responses.
• You must use in-text citations and provide a reference list for each response. Your references should be in APA format. Each exam response should have in-text citations to support all statements that are not original thought or commonly known. These are not opinion-based answers. Points will be deducted for responses that attempt to use opinion-based statements to respond to the prompts.
• Do not plagiarize – pay close attention to how you convey the work of others. Even with in-text citations, you must paraphrase the material and put them in your own words. All exams will be run through Turnitin.
• Do not use direct quotations.
• Do not submit content generated by Al as your own words. If you do use Al at all, make sure that you do so in an ethical way that does not involve submitting work
generated by a machine as your own!
• There is no page requirement or limit. Use as much or little space as you need to fully answer all parts of the question. The average response to each question is about 2-3
pages, but your response may be shorter or longer. More is NOT always better. Please focus on quality of your answer. Make your key points, make them convincing, and use
evidence to support your points.
• Sometimes longer papers are actually lower quality because the writer takes longer to make their point or their writing is not concise. Strong writers are concise and clear.
Tips for success:
1) Make sure to read AND respond to all parts of the question.
2) Make sure to define key concepts you present in your paper. For example, if you talk about “evidence-based practices”, make sure to define it before you discuss it in length.
3) Some of these questions can be answered in many different ways. The key to writing a successful response is using evidence to craft a clear and convincing argument. You
absolutely must use in-text citations to achieve this.
Exam Questions (must select TWO)
1. Considerable debate surrounds the use of indeterminate sentencing and discretionary parole release. In fact, many states have “abolished” parole in favor of mandatory
release policies or other alternatives. Based on the assigned readings (and outside resources as needed), identify and briefly explain at least two pros and two cons of
indeterminate sentencing/discretionary parole release. After identifying pros and cons, make an empirically-informed argument regarding if/how discretionary parole release
should be used in the corrections system. (Note: If you argue against discretionary parole, be sure to identify which alternative model you support and provide empirical
support for your position).
2. Probation represents the most common form of correctional control. First, briefly explain the stated purposes) of probation as a correctional sanction. Second, briefly discuss
how probation has changed or evolved over time (e.g., different practices, approaches, staffing, roles, etc.). Finally, discuss the contemporary use of probation in the United
States. Is probation an effective alternative to incarceration? Are probation reforms needed? What reforms are most needed and why?
3. The risk, needs, responsivity (RNR) model has emerged as a primary framework for moving research into practice in corrections. First, identify and briefly summarize the three
core principles of the RNR model. Second, briefly summarize the empirical support that compares the effectiveness of programs that adhere to the principles relative to those
that do not. Finally, based on the evidence reviewed, briefly describe a fictional (or real) correctional treatment program that adheres to all three of the RNR principles. (Note:
be sure to make clear links between program components and the specific RNR principles).
4. Recent social justice and political movements have called for considerable criminal justice reform. Many reformers have called for major changes to the correctional system.
Based on what you have learned this semester, identify and briefly summarize one potentially promising correctional reform that you believe may be effective. First, briefly
explain the reform and identify specific reform goals. Second, argue, using empirical evidence, why you think this reform will be effective. Finally, argue why the reform may
NOT be effective (e.g., lack of buy-in from front-line staff, cost-effectiveness).

The post For this exam, you are required to select and respond to two essay questions out of the options provided below. Each question is worth 50 points (for a total of 100 points possible). Your essay responses should concisely answer all parts of the provided question. Your responses should be typed in Word, saved, and uploaded through webcourses. There is no page length requirement, but I recommend about 2-3 double-spaced appeared first on Academic Bible.

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