Part 2: Effective Leadership in Early Childhood Settings  For Part 2 of your Competency Assessment, you will analyze capabilities, practices, and understandings of effective leaders in early childhood

Part 2: Effective Leadership in Early Childhood Settings

 For Part 2 of your Competency Assessment, you will analyze capabilities, practices, and understandings of effective leaders in early childhood settings in order to develop a Leadership Assessment and your professional philosophy of early childhood leadership.

 To complete Part 2 of the Competency Assessment:

·       Carefully review the resources for Topic 2: What is an Effective Early Childhood Leader? These include:

o   What Does Leadership Look Like in Early Childhood Settings?

What does leadership look like in early childhood settings?

o   A Critical Intersection: Administrative and Pedagogical Leadership

o   Reconciling Leadership and Partnership: Strategies to Empower Professionals and Families (the Walden Library)

And the media segments:

o   Talking about Ethical Leadership

o   The Characteristics of Effective Early Childhood Leaders and Advocates

·       Take time to note and reflect on the wide variety of leadership characteristics, capabilities, practices, and understandings discussed in the resources and how each fosters effective leadership in early childhood settings. Also, consider leaders you respect, have known, and/or with whom you’ve worked and which of their characteristics, capabilities, practices, and understandings fostered their excellence as effective leaders in early childhood settings, and also what they were lacking.


Then develop an early childhood leadership assessment and philosophy of effective leadership in early childhood settings by completing the following chart:

·       Choose eight characteristics, capabilities, practices, and/or understandings of effective leaders in early childhood settings to list in the assessment chart below.

·       Add two leadership characteristics, capabilities, practices, and/or understandings of your own to the assessment chart.

·       Share the Assessment you have created with a leader/director of an early childhood program/setting. Ask him/her to take the assessment and also discuss her thoughts, insights, and questions with you about the assessment and effective leaders in early childhood settings. Summarize the director’s thinking about effective leadership. (2 paragraphs)

·       Analyze what you have learned from the resources, your experience developing the assessment, and your discussion with the early childhood leader in order to create your philosophy of effective leadership in early childhood settings. (2-3 paragraphs). Be sure to cite your sources.



Assessment of
Effective Leaders in Early Childhood Settings:

Capabilities, Practices, and Understandings

Characteristic, Capability, Practice, or Understanding


Currently in the Process of Learning

Needs Attention

Source of the Characteristic

(8 from resources; 2 original)



















































Director/Leader Reflections:

Summarize the director’s thinking about what
he/she learned from the Assessment and his/her thoughts about effective
leadership in early childhood settings. (2 paragraphs)











My Philosophy of Effective Leadership in
Early Childhood Settings:

Analyze what you have learned from the
resources, your experience developing the assessment, and your discussion
with the early childhood leader in order to create your philosophy of
effective leadership in early childhood settings. (2-3 paragraphs). Be sure
to cite your sources.







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