Please follow all uploaded documents as those have the information for the assig

Please follow all uploaded documents as those have the information for the assig

Please follow all uploaded documents as those have the information for the assignment as well as 3 options to pick from to base upon and answer in the essay.  Also uploaded is some useful reading material to help with the assignment. 
You will submit one 2,500-word academic report, addressing any one of the three scenarios below. In all these scenarios
you take the role of an expert in memory research. 
Coursework Option 1 – As a consultant for the Ministry of Justice, you are tasked with evaluating and
enhancing the methods used for eyewitness identification in criminal investigations. Your assignment is to
author a critical analysis paper that scrutinizes current identification procedures. Propose innovative,
scientifically backed improvements, ensuring you justify these recommendations with recent research findings
where possible. Discuss the potential impacts of your proposed changes on the justice system’s future. 
Coursework Option 2 – You have been engaged by the Ministry of Justice to scrutinize and refine the protocols
for forensic interviews with child witnesses. Your task is to compose a comprehensive analysis of best
practices in child forensic interviews. Your paper should include a critical examination of the vulnerabilities of
children to traditional interview techniques. Reference contemporarv studies to argue for our evidence-
based recommendations for best practices. 
Coursework Option 3 – As an expert memory researcher, the Judicial Executive Board seeks your expertise in a
task force focusing on the use of historic memory evidence in legal proceedings. Your role is to create an in-
depth investigative paper analysing the reliability of memories recovered during therapeutic sessions and their
use in court cases. Critically assess the techniques emploved in therapy to unlock these memories. Conclude
with a set of guidelines, supported by current scientific understanding, on how such evidence should be
presented and interpreted in court.
These questions each focus on one or two key area that we covered in the lectures. 
Some of the first lectures we
had regarding how many works can be useful for all questions. 
We discuss how each topic relates to each
lecture in our Assessment Guide session (see recording under ASSESSMENT DETAILS SECTION) 
You should reference all of the research you cover, using your preferred format – APA is probably easiest, but so
long as it is consistent and uniquely identifies the cited research, you can use other formats if preferred. 
The word limit is 2,500 words, not including references, but including headings and in-text citations. You have
+10% leeway, so you can submit anything up to 2850. 
This is a scientific report, so you must present supporting evidence to back up any argument or statement you
make and explain findings to support/validate what you are saying. PLEASE DO NOT USE case examples to
support your arguments. You are addressing people who are in the forensic arena so they know about court
cases. They have come to you because they want to know about scientific evidence. 
For this assignment you required to use the usual double-spaced 11pt font.
6. INCLUDE the report brief on the front page of your assignment so I know which one you are answering.

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