Section I: Change Project • Review your own organization and develop a change project to improve the organization. • Present your current administrative framework, indicating the dominant theory
For this assignment you will you will create a PowerPoint presentation. Please address and include
the following:
Section I: Change Project
• Review your own organization and develop a change project to improve the organization.
• Present your current administrative framework, indicating the dominant theory (demonstrate via
oral presentation the work you submitted in your Administrative Framework Concept Map)
• Exemplify the role you currently hold in your organization. Identify and demonstrate how your
position “fits” within the current organizational structur Be sure to include the organizational
chart for your current organization.
Section II: Organizational Change
Identify an improvement project that will most benefit your organization and discuss which of the
change theories studied this term that you will utilize to make the proposed change.
• Why did you select this theory?
• What improvements need to be addressed? Why?
• Which theory presented from the course content would you choose to implement? Why? What
are the benefts? How will the concepts from the theory be applied?
Section Ill: Administrative Practice
Based on the knowledge you have gained; present the current state of your administrative framework
for practice. This can be in any format, but a concept map is suggested.
• Discuss how your framework has changed over the term and why.
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of your framework in this organization?
• How would you refine your administrative framework to be more effective in this organization
and why?
Section V: Summary
• Provide a summary of your ideas and concepts.
The presentation requirements include a minimum of 15 slides created in PowerPoint.