BOOK -An Introduction to Community Development Asset Building & Community Development Other Readings (Phillips & Pittman) Chapter 1.“A Framework for Community & An Introduction to Community Development  Chapter 2. “Seven Theor

BOOK -An Introduction to Community Development Asset Building & Community Development Other Readings

(Phillips & Pittman)

Chapter 1.“A Framework for Community & An Introduction to Community Development

Chapter 2. “Seven Theories for Seven Chapter 1.“The Role of Assets in Community Developers” (pp. 22-44)

BOOK-Asset Building & Community Development Other Reading

Chapter 1 “The Role of Assets in Community-Based Development”(pp. 1-31

Chapter 2. “A History of Community and Economic Development” (pp.3-21) Development in America ” (pp. 32-56)


Each week the class has assigned readings the student is expected to complete and turn in a one page (double spaced and typed) “reaction paper” on one of the assigned readings for that week. Each “reaction paper” should include a brief description of the text material’s major points and questions that arise from reading the material. A good “reaction paper” should state the author’s main argument, what you believe the significance of that argument to be, what evidence the author presents in support of this argument, how convincing you felt the argument to be, and your personal response in the form of questions this assigned reading raised for you. This “reaction paper” may include few, if any, direct quotations from the article or text material.

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