Business Finance – Management Week 8 Assignment – Needs and Issues of a Community


This week you have been reading in your text about “Growth Management: Smart Growth, Sustainable Development, and Planning for Catastrophe.” For this assignment, you will continue to focus on the location you chose for your Week 5 Assignment. But now you are going to dive deeper into the community, its needs, and the social justice issues prevalent there, all of which are important in growth, sustainability, and planning for the future.

Step 1: Revisit the location you focused on in your Week 5 PESTEL analysis.

Step 2: Use data from a minimum of 3 of the following resources to demonstrate an understanding of community growth, societal issues, and urban planning. Use the following sites to research the location:

CensusLinks to an external site.

  • The United States Census Bureau provides demographics, socio-economic data, maps, environmental, and political data concerning communities across the United States. Such data can help determine where to build everything from schools to supermarkets, and from homes to hospitals. It helps the government decide how to distribute funds and assistance to states and localities.

Census Quick FactsLinks to an external site.

  • QuickFacts provides statistics, demographics, socio-economic data, maps, and environmental data for all states and counties and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.

Data.govLinks to an external site.

  • On this site you will find data on specific community populations including important social justice issues.

SEDACLinks to an external site.

  • “SEDAC, the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center, is one of the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) in the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration” (SEDAC, 2023). SEDAC provides socioeconomic data with maps and themes to support.


  • Contemporary Urban Planning, chapters 7, 10-15
    • Refer to Chapter 7 when considering the social justice issue you will choose.

Step 3: Complete the table in the assignment template  Download assignment templateprovided.

Step 4: Include references to the three resources you chose above as well as any outside resources you used to research your location.

Step 5: Upload your completed Word document to Canvas.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Assess the diverse nature of urban populations and the social justice issues many of these populations face.
  • attachment


PAD522: Urban Planning and Management

Week 8 Assignment Template – Needs and Issues of a Community

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Professor Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Date: Click or tap here to enter text.

Town/City Identified in Week 5:  



Include population size, distribution by gender and age 



Three greatest needs in the town/city. 



· Affordable housing.  

· Basic infrastructure (land, water, sewer, etc.). 

· Public transportation.

· Shopping.

· Public Safety. 


For each of the three needs, write a minimum two paragraph rationale for why you identified the need and why it is important for that location.   


Three primary Social Justice Issues facing this town/city. 


Examples of social justice issues:  

· Quality Education 

· Better Job Opportunities 

· Gender Inequality 

· Discrimination 

· Access to Quality Healthcare 

· Voting 

· Racial Injustice 

· Income inequality 

· Gun violence 

· Hunger 

· Equality 


For each of the three issues, write a minimum two paragraph rationale for why you identified the issue and why it is important for that location.   



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