Summary of Analysis – Report what you have learned about the concept from OT through the modern period – similarities and differences over time. (should be about 2-3 pages of “packed” information

PAPER #2 – 15 page limit – Combined Homework Tables with Analysis in APA Style Text

  1. Introduce time period (1-2 sentences)
    1. Author introduction
    2. Author quote containing concept
    3. Analysis of author’s interpretation/use of concept
    4. Compare concept in this time period to previous periods and/or OT/NT
  2. (x6) Use 2-3 quotes for each time period, so about 18 quotes total.
  3. Summary of Analysis – Report what you have learned about the concept from OT through the modern period – similarities and differences over time. (should be about 2-3 pages of “packed” information from your investigation. 




GNRS506 Paper #2

GNRS506 Paper #2




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept in
Early Church period: 0-300 CE

A brief introduction to the time period is given, with
prominent events mentioned. 2-3 scholars from this time period, who use the
concept in their writings, are quoted. The context is explained for each
quote. An analysis is given for each quote, and/or for the several quotes
combined, showing differences and similarities of usage by the several

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept in
Age of the Imperial Church: 300-590 CE

A brief introduction to the time period is given, with
prominent events mentioned. 2-3 scholars from this time period, who use the
concept in their writings, are quoted. The context is explained for each
quote. An analysis is given for each quote, and/or for the several quotes
combined, showing differences and similarities of usage by the several
authors. Usage in this period is compared/contrasted with previous time

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept in
Christian Middle Ages: 500-1500 CE

A brief introduction to the time period is given, with
prominent events mentioned. 2-3 scholars from this time period, who use the
concept in their writings, are quoted. The context is explained for each
quote. An analysis is given for each quote, and/or for the several quotes
combined, showing differences and similarities of usage by the several
authors. Usage in this period is compared/contrasted with previous time

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConceept in
the Reformation: 1500-1650CE

A brief introduction to the time period is given, with
prominent events mentioned. 2-3 scholars from this time period, who use the
concept in their writings, are quoted. The context is explained for each
quote. An analysis is given for each quote, and/or for the several quotes
combined, showing differences and similarities of usage by the several
authors. Usage in this period is compared/contrasted with previous time

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept in
Age of Reason & Revival: 1648-1799 CE

A brief introduction to the time period is given, with
prominent events mentioned. 2-3 scholars from this time period, who use the
concept in their writings, are quoted. The context is explained for each
quote. An analysis is given for each quote, and/or for the several quotes
combined, showing differences and similarities of usage by the several
authors. Usage in this period is compared/contrasted with previous time

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept in
Modern Period – Age of Progress: 1800-1918 CE

A brief introduction to the time period is given, with
prominent events mentioned. 2-3 scholars from this time period, who use the
concept in their writings, are quoted. The context is explained for each
quote. An analysis is given for each quote, and/or for the several quotes
combined, showing differences and similarities of usage by the several
authors. Usage in this period is compared/contrasted with previous time

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAdequacy of

A summary of the results of analysis throughout the time
periods is given following the Modern Period, highlighting similarities and
differences in meanings over time.

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format,
References and Citations

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/form/spelling/punctuation

2 pts

Total Points: 20

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