Interview a teacher in the United States that taught school-age children pre-COVID-19, during the pandemic, and post-COVID-19. Ask them: What are th

Part A Interview a teacher in the United States that taught school-age children pre-COVID-19, during the pandemic, and post-COVID-19. Ask them: What are the biggest differences that you noticed in your interactions with your students? What are the biggest differences that you noticed in interactions between students? What do you think have been the biggest…

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.This assessment…

Tasks: This chapter discusses companies that are oligopolists in the markets for the goods they sell. Many of the same ideas apply to companies that are oligopolists i

Tasks: This chapter discusses companies that are oligopolists in the markets for the goods they sell. Many of the same ideas apply to companies that are oligopolists in the markets for the inputs they buy. If sellers who are oligopolists try to increase the price of goods they sell, what is the goal of buyers… Project Task: Construct an overview. Construct an overview to introduce the identified health policy initiative or issue and focus on local, state or federal populations The overview should include the following:

Topic: Understanding the Causes of Childhood Obesity Note: You must seek approval on your specific health policy issue and approved by your faculty before you begin working on this assignment. This 16 page evidence-based paper should be on current policy or proposed legislation. Project Task: Construct an overview. Construct an overview to introduce the identified…

Imagine that your state legislature is considering a law that would require parental consent for newborn screening. Parental consent is currently not required, although newborn testing i

Imagine that your state legislature is considering a law that would require parental consent for newborn screening. Parental consent is currently not required, although newborn testing is not conducted over parental objection. (Currently only a few states actually require consent.) The health department has been asked to take a position on the pending legislation. Using…

Get Help- Assignment 3 PUBH 5060 Safety Management Systems  Using the company your created for Assignment 2 – Safety Programs, you must now create a Safety Management

Assignment 3 PUBH 5060 Safety Management Systems  Using the company your created for Assignment 2 – Safety Programs, you must now create a Safety Management System (SMS) for a potential catastrophic event.  General requirements: ·        Describe the potential catastrophic event that could occur at your facility, indicating whether it affects property, personnel, or both ·       …

Review the “Interactive Guide to Doctoral Writing: Using Evidence “Links to an external site. interactive media from this week’s Learning Resources to help you deepen your understanding

Consider the introduction to this Assignment to guide you as you prepare. Review the “Interactive Guide to Doctoral Writing: Using Evidence “Links to an external site. interactive media from this week’s Learning Resources to help you deepen your understanding of how to use evidence correctly and avoid plagiarism in academic writing. Note: This resource is…

For part 2 of the written assignment, you must choose two different disorders, whichstem directly from the inability of the organ system you chose in part 1 to maintain homeostasis, resulting in homeostatic imbalance.

Addresses Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4 Apply appropriate terminology in identifying and discussing human anatomy and physiology. Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology to real-world situations. Approach and examine anatomy and physiology issues from an evidence-based perspective. Describe the complex interrelationships between structure and function. Explain how body systems work together to…

Telehealth Medicine For this assignment, answer the following questions by using them as your headings for your paper. What are the Pros and Cons of telehealth? How will you approach and perf

 Telehealth Medicine For this assignment, answer the following questions by using them as your headings for your paper. What are the Pros and Cons of telehealth? How will you approach and perform a telehealth assessment? What are the limits to telehealth? What is the difference between the provider’s need for a successful telehealth visit versus…

(based on your current position) with at least FIVE different areas of assessment. Meet with a colleague or supervisor to have him or her evaluate your behaviors. Discuss the results with your colleague/supervisor

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) directly assess performance behaviors. The BARS method depends on critical incidents or short descriptions of effective and ineffective behaviors that ultimately produce a number value. The assessor is responsible for rating the specific behaviors of an employee based upon the behavioral expectations that are provided as anchors. When rating the employee, most…